Scandi / Films / Quisling –The Final Days
Quisling –The Final Days
Special Presentations
Erik Poppe's new film portrays the terrifying figure of Norwegian Prime Minister Vidkun Quisling, who collaborated with the Nazis and betrayed his country. Now he waits alone for his trial in a dark cell, locked away with only his thoughts. The film gradually reveals the psychological layers of this chillingly remarkable personality through an interview and confession with priest Peder Olsen. Does Quisling feel responsible for his actions? Does his conscience weigh on him? Will his morals and values change before his inevitable end? The filmmaker poses fascinating questions about good, evil, lies and doubt.
The new film by Erik Poppe, the filmmaker behind Utøya, 22 July which recounted the tragic events of contemporary Norway’s darkest day, and the large-scale fictional fresco The Emigrants. Once again, Poppe delves into the history of oppression with a distinctive and stylistically refined look. He unfolds an intricate narrative set at the end of World War II, when the Nazi occupation of Norway ended after five years. It portrays the terrifying figure of Norwegian Prime Minister Vidkun Quisling, who collaborated with the Nazis and betrayed his country. Now alone, he awaits trial in a dark cell, locked away with nothing but his own thoughts. The film gradually reveals the psychological layers of this chillingly remarkable personality through an interview and confession with priest Peder Olsen. Does Quisling feel responsible for his actions? Does his conscience weigh on him? Will his morals and values change before his inevitable end? The filmmaker poses fascinating questions about good, evil, lies and doubt, unafraid to give the audience a glimpse into the dark abyss of the human condition. This claustrophobic drama builds on the dynamics of the central acting duo of Gard B. Eidsvold and Anders Danielsen Lie, who bridge two completely different worlds through their characters.
Directed by
Erik Poppe
Written by
Anna Bache-Wiig, Ravn Lanesskog, Siv Rajendram Eliassen
Edited by
Einar Egeland
Jonas Alarik
Sound by
Hans Møller, Morten Solum
Music by
Jonas Colstrup
Gard B. Eidsvold, Anders Danielsen Lie, Lisa Carlehed, Lisa Loven Kongsli, Arthur Hakalahti, Stein Torleif Bjella, Øyvind Brandtzæg
Original title
Quislings siste dager
English title
Quisling –The Final Days
Running time
147 min
Drama, Historically, War, Biographical
Age rating
Release date
3. 4. 2025
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The festival takes place in cinemas throughout the Czech Republic.
Boskovice • Kino Boskovicex
Brno • Cinema City Velký Špalíčekx
Brno • Kino Artx
České Budějovice • Biograf Kotvax
Cheb • Kino Artx
Chrudim • Městské kino Chrudimx
Doksy • Kino Májx
Frýdek-Místek • Nová scéna Vlastx
Havířov • Kino Centrumx
Havlíčkův Brod • Klub Okox
Hodonín • Kino Světx
Humpolec • kino Humpolecx
Jablonec nad Nisou • Kino Juniorx
Jihlava • Kino Duklax
Kolín • Kino 99x
Krnov • Kino Mír 70x
Litomyšl • Kino Sokolx
Litvínov • Středisko Citadelax
Malá Skála • Kino Androvnax
Olomouc • Kino Metropolx
Olomouc • Telegraphx
Ostrava • kino Lunax
Ostrava • Minikinox
Písek • Kino Portyčx
Plzeň • Moving Stationx
Praha • Cinema City Slovanský důmx
Praha • Edison Filmhubx
Praha • Kino Atlasx
Praha • Kino Dlabačovx
Praha • Kino Kavalírkax
Praha • Kino Lucernax
Praha • Kino MATx
Praha • Komorní kino Evaldx
Řevnice • Bio Řevnicex
Semily • Kino Jitřenka Semilyx
Šumperk • Kino Okox
Uherské Hradiště • Kino Hvězdax
Ústí nad Labem • Veřejný sál Hraničářx
Veselí nad Moravou • Kino Moravax
Vrchlabí • Kino Kartonka 1904x
Zlín • Malé kino Ateliéry Zlínx
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Media reception

"A Superb Historical Drama About the Far-Right’s Threat to Democracy"
Pattaya Mail
"Resonates even today"
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